Women’s Creativity Night is my pet project and one of my very favorite things in the world. This all started with a couple of friends coming over to crochet and scrapbook, but it has grown into much more. Now I invite artists to come and perform or show visual work, and women come to get inspired and wowed. I’m very broad in my definition of what’s considered creative. We’ve had poets, authors, actresses, comedians, opera singers, belly dancers, and a darn good knitter. It is always an amazing time, and this last one was no exception. If you missed it, I took pictures and videos to help you enter into the experience, and maybe inspire you to attend the next one or hold one of your own.
First we just hang out, chat, and get to know each other if we don’t already. I put together a beautiful snack table (really it is, I’m not just bragging), make coffee, and just let all these fantastic women sit near each other. That’s when the magic happens.
After we’re all comfortable (i.e. when I start thinking “there’s never going to be a nice pause to announce that we’re shifting to performances!”), I announce that we’re going to shift gears into showing off some of our work. Performance artists (like myself), will perform, and visual artists will present their work and talk about their process some. It’s always a different crowd and there are always a few surprised, but here’s a taste of what we had this time around.

I particularly love the part where my whole house is decked out in women’s art and everyone’s enjoying this eclectic gathering of beauty and creativity. And of course, I will add a spoken word piece that I performed at the event. I would include one by the fantastic Kiesha Lamb as well, but she was a little sick at the event and requested that I not publicize the video. You’ll just have to take my word for it, it was awesome.