Mindy Shapero

Mindy Shapero, a mixed media sculptor who captured my heart with this lovely image.


I love the movement of this piece, and how delicate it appears. When I first found this image it was entitled simply “White,” but a little digging has revealed that it is only a piece of this sculpture


Which is entitled “It’s always happening right now even after,” a phrase that I find lovely all on its own. I love it because it’s true, that momentous events seem to have a life all their own in my experience of the present moment. I’m glad that I found this image the way I did, first with just that tiny piece. It’s like looking at an individual wave before glimpsing the entire ocean, which gives me a much better appreciation for the whole.

This is a small part of an interview with Mindy Shapero, in which she talks just a little about her process of creation and material selection. It’s kind of great.

Valerie Boy

Metal light installations. Now, I will be the first to admit that the first time I heard the term “light installation” was on Sex and the City. Furthermore, ever since then I have periodically thought, “how can an artist possibly make a living on light installations? Who buys those? How would it even go in your house?” I’m happy to say that Valerie Boy answered all these questions to great satisfaction with her very first image, which for me, was this beauty.


This piece showed up on Apartment Therapy, where the writer described how this one piece took a rather dull apartment and made it notably beautiful. Almost all of Valerie Boy’s work that I’ve seen is both lovely with it’s intrinsic design and manipulation of white light, and practical on some level. She make lamps and pillows and other stuff you can use. I love when art can cross over into a certain pragmatism. Not that I practice that much myself; my books don’t work that well for doorstops or coasters. Trivets, maybe.

Art that Makes Art

I have two artists for you today, since it is a day for a theme instead of a single showcase. I’ve run across two artists recently who make art that makes art. It seemed destined for this particular blog. The first one is…

Amy Brier

Amy Brier (6)

This is a piece called a roliquery, which is (I believe) a limestone sculpture that makes these amazing artistic impressions when rolled in sand. Aside from the obvious beauty and stunning creativity of these pieces, I also love that there are so many possible imprints you can make with one roliquery, because of its extra dimension as a sphere, as opposed to a flat stamp.

Next up, Betsabee Romero


This is just one small example of what this phenomenal woman can do with a plain rubber tire. The website I’ve linked to is in Spanish, but that’s okay because you just have to look at the pictures. Look at as many of them as you can find, because just when you think she’s going to be out of ideas, WHAM! There’s something you completely new that you had no idea you could do with a tire.

Frank Tjepkema (Tjep)

These mechanical heart pendants by Frank Tjepkema are one of the more intricate pieces of art I’ve ever seen. I caught this gorgeous picture on Pinterest, and assumed this was a large (and very impressive) sculpture.


It wasn’t until I visited Tjepkema’s actual website that I realized this entire piece could nestle perfectly between my collar bones.

That is a standard size jewelry box.
That is a standard size jewelry box.

There is a whole series of these mechanical hearts, here is another one of my favorites.


Although I said that these pieces are by Frank Tjepkema, this is one of those annoying (to me) incidents when a successful artist has founded a company under their name (Tjep) and so it is impossible to tell if the pieces were created by the original artist or by a brilliant but invisible employee. If these pieces were made by someone other than Frank Tjepkema, I sincerely apologize for incorrectly crediting the work.

Jiri Kylian and David Kracov

Ah, I missed posting on Friday! But hooray for you, because a lazy Friday means bonus Monday, with two amazing pieces of artwork instead of one!

The first is a ballet piece choreographed by Jiri Kylian (his name is supposed to have three different accent marks because he’s Czech, but you can find him online with this spelling. Plus I gave you the link). I can appreciate almost any form of dance, but this particular style I find especially moving. Watching the dancers flow with such liquid movements and express so much with their whole bodies, I am in awe in a way that makes me feel light and full of possibilities. The perfect piece of artwork to inspire more artwork.

Second is a metal sculpture by David Kracov. I love this image so much, and I know it will be one that I return to again and again. It describes how I feel about the vibrancy of literature in such a visceral way. One aspect I love about sculpture is how it gets me outside of my word-driven brain and into a space that is physical and profound.
